The Real World!!

It has been almost a month since my birthday bash, and my little swim. I was cleaning out my drawers and came across the phone that received the brute of the swim that I had taken. I put in my old sim card and my battery and to my amazement, it worked screen and all. I was able to download some pics of a beautiful sunset from that night and now I have a back up phone when I need it. Life is great… 🙂July29thBday09l

My girls are in school and doing well. My classes are all in order and up to date. I will have Internet at home on Monday, thank God… My bills are paid for the month, and I’m starting a new workout regiment on Monday. So far life is okay. I have a couple of papers to write one I can hold off until next week, the other I would like to finish it by tomorrow so I can enjoy the weekend. Also, I am working on getting my passport application filled out and sent off next week. I have a big trip next year and I am determined to go.

On another note, I have been feeling a little bit lonely lately. Even though the girls are here and I have been keeping myself busy there is still that one element that is missing. Everywhere I go I see couples together, holding hands, going to the movies, going to the beach, and more. I miss the connection like that with someone. I miss hearing someone say I miss you or someone who wants to be with me in spite of all the things I have got going on in my life.
Then when I sit down to think about it, it is also nice to just be on your own. It’s nice to be able to go anywhere you want and not have to answer to no one. But in reality you can only take that for so long. My oldest daughter, who will be 11 in the next couple of weeks, has a boyfriend. She is only in the sixth grade and of course she has no idea what the concept of having a boyfriend is but she has one. I was joking around with her last night and said that she could have a boyfriend as long a I had one. Well I don’t have one so she couldn’t have one, that didn’t work out very well.
The weekend is here and I plan on relaxing. I plan on doing as much as I can today, clean the house, fold clothes, and work on my paper. Maybe I will be able to get out and go to the pub for a beer or two, not quite sure I have to play it by ear. September is here already and Julia’s birthday is coming sooner than I thought. This year has flown by and I’m sure next year will be the same.

I was talking to a very special friend of mine and we both came to a conclusion about life. Things have changed and relationships aren’t quite like they used to be. Now a days people don’t stay together much anymore, and it’s getting harder to find that one person who will be with you forever. I personally don’t want to be alone that long. I’m not saying that change is a bad thing, I mean if you are happy with the way things are than so be it. I just hate being alone, especially when I know what I want and I know I can’t have it. That is the hardest part to deal with. Anyway…………………………….. I will deal with the best way I know how… stay busy and leave it up to God…..

On top of everything else I found out this morning that my great Aunt passed away last night from cancer. She has been struggling for quite some time now and it finally caught up with her. I vaguely remember her but family is family and hurts just the same. I know she is in a better place, a place where there is no pain or suffering and that comforts me in the long run. Even though I complain about being lonely and having bad days I am so grateful to just be here. I try to cherish each and every moment that I can and love the ones who mean the most to me.

Back to the Daily Grind…..

100_3862The last weekend before school starts is over. I took the girls to a little water park in Emerald Isle the other day and just spent the day enjoying the sun and the cool water. This summer has been ok, I have had time for myself and my friends. These last two weeks I have tried to spend as much time as I could with my girls before everything goes insane. I’m finally getting Internet at the house this week so I will not have to go to the coffee shop or library everyday. Although I enjoy getting coffee and working on the computer. Spill the Beans is a nice place. My life is in full swing and I will be juggling school, kids, and hopefully a new job soon. As for my personal life, ha……. Crazy as always. I have a big trip planned for next August so I am putting money away for that and hopefully by then I will be able to go.. As always I am still contemplating moving to Denver.


Me and my sister tried our hands in snowboarding a couple years ago at Winter Park. It was the best time I have ever had even though I almost broke my wrist. It is still one of the best places to live. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better for me to start over and give my kids a new outlook on life. But they like it here and I have a descent place to live and great friends. Starting over is never easy but I’m still thinking about it. Denver is one of the top 10 cities to live. Low crime rate, great schools, fabulous weather. There is snowboarding, camping, hiking, mtn climbing, white water rafting and much more. Whether you prefer snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, biking through America’s largest city park system, or heading over to Invesco Field at Mile High for a Broncos football game, Denver is a wonderful place to be a kid. Also among the country’s safest big cities, Denver has 300 days of annual sunshine, eight different professional sports franchises, and countless opportunities for fishing, white-water rafting, and horseback riding. Maybe I’ll move there when the kids are out of the house, that is about………….9 years from now.. whewwwww. Long time.


This year has gone by so fast, I have no idea where it went. This month is pretty much over in a couple of days and than it’s into September. After that is is three months until Christmas than the new year, 2010. So scary to think that 2010 is almost here. My 15 year high school reunion is next year and will I probably won’t go to that one either. When 2015 rolls around I will go to my 20th, which will be here sooner than I want to even think about. I’m not sure what is going to happen in two years much less know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life works in mysterious ways. Well I have to get out of here before my kids start a riot… Until next time, always remember to Smile. 🙂

It’s Loud Again.

100_3794I picked up the girls Tuesday night from RDU it was great to see them coming out of the gate.  It’s now been four days since the girls have been home and I’m already exhausted. It has been raining since Tuesday.  Although they have been with their friend from across the street for the most part (not surprised) it still is great to have them home. I now have to get back into the swing of things, and get them ready for school. I myself have to prepare for the upcoming fall semester with ECU and CCC. I have a full schedule ahead and I am ready to get this semester out of the way. After this semester I can breath a little easier knowing I will only be going part time.  I would like to get the girls out one more time before everything starts, maybe camping or even a trip to Myrtle Beach not sure yet. It’s still raining today and muggy outside. I really have no plans for the weekend but hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can get out and do something.



I took them to the aquarium yesterday and they had a good time. It was packed with people trying to get some indoor fun time since it was raining outside.  We made the best of it and afterwards went to the pub fo some dinner and a quick drink.


Here we are outside the Aquarium. Of course Michelle has eyes closed

Finally they come Home!!!

100_2200I pick up my girls tomorrow night around 630 from Raliegh. I can not tell you how excited I am to get them back home. It seems like they have been gone forever and it has only been about two months since I have seen them. From what I hear they have had a great time with their dad and are kind of ready to come home. I was talking to them this morning and of course Mihelle said she wanted me and her dad to get back together. This is an obvious response from a 9 year old who doesn’t quite understand the situation. We talked and everything went well and I know once school starts and we get back into our routines things will be just fine.

This was my last weekend to myself, and I can say that I had a fabulous time. I was able to visit some new places and enjoy some great food. All in all it was a great ending to my summer.

Cape Fear Wine

Both the girls and I start school on the 25th so we have a couple of days to relax and get things situated before the world becomes crazy once again…… This semester is going to be very busy and I can’t see much time to myself, which is ok…