Ready To Camp before Winter Sets In..

It has been a very long week and the weekend seemed to inch its way even slower. I have spent almost all weekend working on my ECU classes and they still never end. Monday has come and gone and I am longing for the weekend already. I’m planning on going camping one last time before winter sets in. Flanners Beach closes its gates on Decrmber 1st, and a few stay open year round but I like this one. It’s quiet and has many trails and a beach to sit on and watch the sun rise and set. I need to get away for awhile. I will try to get the girls to go with me, if not, they can stay with friends and I will go by myself. 100_3595I have a week to myself in November not sure what I will do. Have to be somewhere that has WiFi..  🙂 sad really. I am running out of steam and I still have a long way to go but once this semester is over, it will slow down, its just getting to that point. Girls are staying pretty busy, school, choir, bake sales, softball, church classes. And, I bought Julia the Guitar Hero World Tour band kit and now we have started a band (Online Dummies).. Jewls is on the drums I am on the guitar and Michelle is the lead singer.. hahah…  Its fun… Well got to get some dinner than going bed early for me..


Julia will be 11 years old tomorrow. Eleven years, makes you wonder where it all has gone. Tomorrow will be a family night out, she loves the #1 China Buffet in Jacksonville so it’s dinner in China town. This weekend has been pretty busy and I don’t forsee it slowing down. Had a small get together for Julia yesterday at the beach, it wasn’t too bad. The weather was nice and the beach wasn’t as packed as I thought it would be.

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It’s been a tough week and I really need some time off. My emotions have been pushed to the brink and I have worn myself out, and now I am the 6th grade Catechist for my churches faith formation class, which is a good thing. I have been wanting to get more involved in my church and building up my faith. I have to go in on Wednesday morning to meet with Father Don about getting more involved also. so we will see what that has to offer. Church was really great today, it always seems to help when everything around you tends to fall apart. Maybe now I will feel like I have some kind of purpose.

God Bless.. 🙂


I have had a weird weekend too say the least.. Friday pretty much started it off. I’m not too sure why I was in a slump but it wasn’t fun at all. I spent Friday and Saturday wondering what I’m even doing with my life. I woke up and for some reason I felt like I have no purpose, I’m not sure if it’s because I have no job (yet) or if it’s because my girls are constantly wanting more and more and I can’t seem to give enough. I wake up day in and day out and I get my girls ready for school, than I go for a run or to the gym. After that I come home, clean house and sit in front of this computer doing school work. I do this everyday and I get no where. I’m so tempted to just pack it all up and move to Colorado. Sunday has come and gone and I am feeling a little bit better. Church was great and it was rejuvenating. I am now throwing myself into the church and Michelle has joined the youth choir, and I’m so excited she will be singing this Sunday at the 11 am mass.

Annnnnnd…. My Broncos won today. Lucky….. yes, but they still won.. So my day has been better than the past couple. Thank God for that. stokley-pd

Check this amazing play out… GOOOOOOO BRONCOS

Sun is Finally Shining… :)

It is Tuesday September 8th. I am sitting in my living room enjoying the sun coming through my kitchen window. Yesterday was a long dreary, cold, and rainy day. It’s been awhile since I have posted anything new, and to tell you the truth nothing really has changed in my life. I’m three weeks into school and steadily moving ahead. Both of my girls are on the right track with their studies and I am now in search of a violin for Julia. She has joined the orchestra at her school and I’m in need of108542330_b0edc24840a 1/2″ violin..I’m not sure if I want to buy one because she may hit a growth spurt and I would have to go out and find another one….. Her birthday is this month and she will be 11…. WOW…. It’s all going by so fast.. I might just go ahead and buy one.. Instead of paying 25 a month just pay 100 and it’s hers. Not sure yet.. She is excited about it and so am I. Her first concert is on Oct 27, during a Holloween contest.. Sounds fun.. Michelle is doing great as well. She is in the super kids club and loving it. They both will be starting their Religious Ed classes soon and we have a get together this Sunday for the start of the new year at St. Mildred.

We went over to a friend of mine last weekend and played around with some new lights she got in. It was a lot of fun to just shoot and practice with all of the equipment. Here are a few shots of the girls, you can tell that Michelle is always the goofy one :

IMG_0031IMG_0045 Not sure what we are going to do this weekend. Maybe see if the pub has any live music or maybe go to Mac Daddy’s for some
football. Yeah… GOOOOO Broncos..     Undecided at this point.  Well I better get back to my classes, I have a couple more papers and posts to work on. I hope everyone enjoys the sun today.. Hoping it lasts awhile.  It looks like it’s about to let loose again.
